Blog Articles
Volume 1: Namibia’s Housing Crisis in Perspective
Volume 2: Inequality and Social Justice
Volume 3: Employment, Livelihoods and the World of Work
Volume 4: Climate Justice and Resource Extractivism
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Namibian Journal of Social Justice
An introduction
Namibia continues to be one of the world’s most unequal nations caused, firstly, by colonialism and then by the neoliberal policies of the postcolonial State. The elite transition in post-colonial Namibia reflects what occurred throughout Africa. Local elites joined global elites to produce and reproduce intellectuals who seek to justify, rationalise, and normalise the neo-colonial order at the core of the current inequalities. Such neoliberal intellectuals dominate the intellectual space inside the state, academia and civil society. They form an elite compact to maintain their hegemony and the neoliberal order – the very order that produces inequality.
To achieve social justice there is an urgent need to offer counter-hegemonic thinking. This responsibility lies with leftist thinkers to develop alternative ideas and practices that will lead to significant improvements in the lives of those negatively impacted by poverty and inequality. Leftist intellectuals and social justice activists must create alternative spaces to contest the neoliberal dogma.
The Namibian Journal of Social Justice (NJSJ) was established in 2021 and serves as a space to contest the mainstream ideas that underpin the neoliberal order. The NJSJ is as an intellectual platform for social justice academics who want to critically question that order and search for alternatives. Its ideological grounding is unapologetically left of the neoliberal intellectual spectrum. We hope that the journal will be used as a resource by academics, teachers, students, workers, youth activists, policy makers and others who are willing to engage in the struggle for social justice in Namibia.
The NJSJ does not pretend nor assume an “open for all” character. It will promote a critical leftist analysis and ideas which will advance the struggle for social justice in Namibia. In doing so, the journal will uphold the principles of academic meticulousness and seek quality academic research output and analyses on social justice and related issues. At the same time, it will remain open to different forms of contributions (including opinion pieces, photo essays etc.) and prioritise substance over form. In other words, the NJSJ will not only accept academic articles of high quality but it will also publish activist accounts of struggles in Namibia, Africa and globally.
The Journal is published by the Economic and Social Justice Trust (ESJT). an organisation of volunteers dedicated to the achievement of economic and social justice (
The journal has its own editorial collective in charge of identifying the themes of each edition and soliciting articles from academics and activists alike. The editorial collective consists of the following persons:
Prof. Lucy Edwards-Jauch
is the current editor in chief. She is a social justice activist with a focus on gender justice, an associate professor of Sociology. She has published widely on various topics related to gender justice.
Dr Job Shipululo Amupanda
, the deputy dean of the faculty of economics and management science at the University of Namibia and a co-founder and leader of the Affirmative Repositioning (AR) movement, a movement set up by youth activists.
Dr Guillermo Delgado
, an architect and housing activist who has worked in several research, design, and cultural projects, focused on issues of land rights, housing, urbanization, and inclusive socio-spatial practices.
Prof. Trywell Kalusopa
, is a multidisciplinary scholar with a PhD in public policy. He is a lecturer in Psychology and Social Work at the University of Namibia. His key interests include conflict studies, politics, social justice and the economy of affection.
Dr Ndmumba J Kamwanjah
, an associate professor in UNAM’s Department of Information & Communication Studies and a Research Fellow at the University of Zululand (UNIZULU). His main research interests include labour and employment as well as labour market information systems.
Ms Rinaani Musutua
, a corporate communications professional with international experience in designing and implementing communications strategies for various organisations. She plays a key role in Namibia’s Basic Income Grant (BIG)
Ms Ndeshi Namupala
, a lecturer in Sociology at the University of Namibia whose research interests include labour issues, social protection, gender and youth and dynamics of social structure in Namibia
Dr Ellison Tjirera
, a lecturer in UNAM’s Department of Sociology with academic interests in urban studies, post-apartheid societies, parliamentary democracy, gender studies and governance issues
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